Monday, February 13, 2012

Shake or 2 a day keeps the body fat away!

Last week I had a lot of fun posting about how to turn your body into a fat burning machine and I received a lot of positive feedback. I could post so much more about different exercise programs that would also help you lose that bodyfat, but you can't out work a poor diet so let's see what we can do to improve those eating habits to help you reach your goals.

One of the tips that everyone almost every one agrees on is that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and you need to eat 5-6 small meals every day to rev up your metabolism. In our busy lives, most of us have very little time in the morning and have outgrown the days when mom when cook us breakfast before work or school so we're lucky if we even think about grabbing something on our way out the door. Meal replacements can help us get the nutrients our body's need including water and get our metabolisms going.

Every morning I have a shake that takes at best 2-3 minutes to make even if I get really fancy. You can use water or milk in your shake with fruits, low fat and sugar free puddings to make unlimited recipes; my favorite is called Nutty Buddy! After your pour it into your to go cup, you fill up the blender with hot water to soak through the day to make it easy to clean at night. I've been able to lose about 13lbs in the last 6 weeks by making this tweak. Just like Slim Fast says, 2 shakes per day and a sensible meal. I also make sure I get in 2-3 more protein concentrated snacks between meals.

Not only can this modification into your lifestyle prevent you from taking in too many convenient calories on the way to work in the morning or at lunch, but it can save you time as well! 8oz of milk, 2 scoops of meal replacement, some ice and a mini blender at work makes a great tasting shake for about $1.75 per shake for  under 200 calories. Compare that to a McGriddle, orange juice or coffee and cream and you can see my point. For more info about these meal replacement shakes, go to  and contact me or your local Herbalife Independent Distributor.

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